About this Bitshares Astro NFT tool

Do you want to know more?

This tool enables you to create, edit and issue NFTs on the Bitshares blockchain.

Only the owner of an NFT asset (not the holders) can edit or issue said NFT.

Supports IPFS based NFT multimedia like images, videos, audio, documents, 3D models, etc.

The Bitshares BEET & BeetEOS wallets are multi blockchain crypto wallets, they're used to securely handle authentication and key management so that 3rd party tools like this one can focus solely on client side developments.

This tool is aimed at being an evergreen modern web application, setting a standard for other Beet/BeetEOS based Bitshares dapps. Feel free to fork this application's github repository as a template for your own dapp, or even just to host it on Vercel yourself.

Bitshares blockchain queries are performed within server side functions, rather than within the client side application code. If this troubles you, download the code and run it yourself for peace of mind.

This tool was developed by the NFTEA Gallery, one of the first Bitshares NFT Galleries; to support development consider colecting an NFTEA NFT, or donate to the Bitshares blockchain account "nft.artist" directly. Thanks :)

Designed to support both the Bitshares Beet & BeetEOS multiwallets.

MIT Licensed code built with Astro, React & ShadCN.